AANI Executive Committee Pays Courtesy Visit to AMCON DG, Ahmed Kuru | METROWATCH

*AANI leaders presenting a plaque to AMCON DG


In the spirit of fostering positive relationships with important stakeholders, the new executive committee of our esteemed association, the Alumni Association of the National Institute (AANI), embarked on a constructive engagement mission.

Led by the National President, Ambassador EO Okafor, a team of executive committee members paid a courtesy visit to our neighbouring organization, the Assets Management Company of Nigeria (AMCON), headed by Alhaji Ahmed Kiru.

The visit, which took place on Thursday, July 27, 2023, resulted in fruitful discussions that will benefit both organisations and the nation as a whole.


Brigadier General SK Usman (rtd) mni fnipr fapra fnarc FIOARM fspsp
Sarkin Yakin Kanwan Katsina
AANI National Publicity Secretary
27th July 2023

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