AANI Sympathises with Flood-affected Persons, Regions in Nigeria

This disaster serves as a sad reminder of the increasing threats of climate change, the AANI spoken, Gen SK Usman (rtd) said in a statement.

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The National President of the Alumni Association of Nigeria (AANI), Ambassador EO Okafor mni, the National Executive Committee, and the entire membership of the association, extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the government, and the people of Borno State and other affected areas in the country, especially Maiduguri, Borno State, and Kafanchan, Kaduna State, following the severe floods that have recently ravaged our country.

The magnitude of this disaster is profound, resulting in extensive damage to homes and farmland and, tragically, the loss of lives.

This catastrophic event has not only created significant humanitarian challenges but has also exacerbated existing security issues.

A situation report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) describes the flooding situation as a humanitarian catastrophe.

Our hearts go out to those who have been affected, and we fervently hope that the relief efforts by government agencies and humanitarian organisations will bring some solace and support to those who have lost loved ones and livelihoods.

This disaster serves as a sad reminder of the increasing threats of climate change.

We are united in our thoughts and prayers for all those enduring this hardship.

We also wish to recognise and commend the efforts of the Federal Government delegation, the Nigerian military and all other contributors who have provided critical support during this crisis.

Your dedication and efforts have been a beacon of hope in these trying times.

AANI calls for a concerted action and support for those in need towards rebuilding and recovery.



Brigadier General SK Usman (rtd) mni fnipr fapra fnarc FIOARM fspsp
Sarkin Yakin Kanwan Katsina
AANI National Publicity Secretary
Wednesday, 11 September 2024

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