Resign Now or be Disgraced, Tanker Drivers Tell Afolabi Olawale, NUPENG Gen-Sec | METROWATCH

*Afolabi Olufemi Olawale


By Preye Odede-Graham

A National Executive of Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) Branch of NUPENG, in Port Harcourt Zone, Comrade Chris Amadi, has urged the NUPENG  General Secretary, Afolabi Olufemi Olawale, to resign from office or be forced out over his corrupt background and various activities that have brought disrepute to the Union.

Amadi also expressed his appreciation to the Nigerian media for assisting the PTD to have a voice so that the world can know about the rot going on in NUPENG, a one-time trade union that gained the conscience of the Nigerian masses, especially through the roles it played in the ’90s towards the restoration of constitutional democracy in the country.

Amadi in a statement on Monday also commended the leadership and members of PTD for their compliance to the ongoing nationwide protest which started on Monday, November 20, he saluted them for not being deterred, saying they must fight on until their wishes, demands, aspirations and objectives are met in the nick of time.

It would be recalled that the branch issued a statement on Sunday, directing its members across the nation to embark on a protest in order to force Afolabi and his ilk out of the union due to his gross misconducts, greed, nepotism, wide scale corruption and for treating PTD members with contempt, harassing them with Police and bodyguards while also siphoning their treasury with brazen impunity.

Amadi said, “I commend the Nigerian media for standing on the side of truth and I also implore them to beam their unbiased searchlight on NUPENG fiscal documents and treasury in order to unearth the stealing Afolabi is brazenly exhibiting in NUPENG and I expect him to start preparing his hand over notes as he prepares to gain permanent admission into the Prisons.

“Our members have gathered hard facts and accordingly presented them to ICPC, EFCC, Code of Conduct Bureau, Police and DSS. Afolabi should tell the world where he got the money to build a multi-billion naira recreation centre in Ikorodu, which he christened, Dream Park at 7, Adeboro Street, Itamaga, all this within three years in office, he should tell us how he suddenly got the wealth to acquire properties in choice areas in Lagos including 5-star hotel in Lekki.

“Afolabi should also convince PTD and NUPENG beyond reasonable doubt on how he got his personal house in USA where his two children are currently living in, we also got the information from good authority that his children are undergraduates in an American University. How did a man whose salary is less than 500,000 naira a month acquired such inexplicable wealth? He needs to explain and convince the anti graft bodies on this. All things being equal, this week the anti graft bodies will definitely invite him for questioning.

“I must also note here that PTD is not embarking on any ego tripping, neither are we involved in any cheap blackmail, malice, witch-hunt or propaganda, all we want is freedom for our members, Afolabi should allow our members to breathe, we are not slaves to him, we’re tired of running a union with no hierarchy, no transparency, no rule of law, no accountability, no decency, no respect for elders and veterans, we are also tired of being called illiterates by a common criminal with no manners. Enough is enough.

“Again by trying to run helter-skelter to block the DSS, ICPC, EFCC and others from releasing records concerning you and expose your corrupt background, you have inadvertently confirmed irreparable damage that those records would do to you.

“This move has confirmed that you have a serious record that you don’t want ILO, IndustriALL, NLC, TUC, Ministry of Labour, Nigerians or the world to know. The right thing for you to do is to resign now before you are disgraced out of office by the imminent release of records of your past and current criminal activities by the relevant bodies saddled with such responsibilities.

“If you have decided to serve the people as you have always claimed, then you should submit yourself to the people to ask you questions, to know your background, how you became accidental billionaire and riding to fame on the pains and agonies of Tanker Drivers, just know that your game is up and please leave honorably.

“All over the world, unions enable workers both in formal and informal sectors to come together as a powerful, collective voice to communicate with management or employers about their working terms and conditions and to push for safe, fair and decent work, unfortunately all these have been eroded by Afolabi, he no longer protect PTD members but to impoverish and harm them for greed and selfish gains.

“I therefore appeal to all members of PTD nationwide to rise to the occasion and safe the union, if leaving NUPENG today will grant us a breather, so be it. In solidarity we stand as we walk and work into our victory and freedom. Long live PTD, God bless us all.” Amadi stated.

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